If marketing gives you the ick, you are not alone. Many writers, artists, practitioners, and small businesses (especially creative or spiritual-based) struggle with promoting their work. It’s no surprise–we’ve seen the harm capitalism does, and it’s tough to focus on the money stuff and convincing folx to buy your product/read your thing/work with you when all you want to do is let your talent speak for itself.  

But marketing can be spirit-led. It can be anti-capitalist. And while it can also be tricky and overwhelming, you don’t have to go it alone. 

Mariner 10's first image of Mercury from 3 million+ miles

Why Marketing Sucks

Here are some of the key areas creatives, practitioners, and freelancers struggle:

  • Not knowing where to start

  • Not knowing what to prioritize

  • Struggling with technology (especially websites)

  • Wanting to be inclusive and accessible, but not knowing how 

  • Feeling like marketing/money disrupts the energy of your work

  • Lacking time, support, and/or desire to take on the labor required

Any of these sound familiar? Each one of these has its own energetic heaviness; each one can cause blockages. Sometimes the answer to the struggle can come from shadow work. Some require a bit of learning and practice. All of them can be isolating but can be worked through with a little guidance.

How We Can Help

Website Energy Audit

We analyze your website based on search engine optimization (SEO), user experience, accessibility guidelines, and best practices.

Personalized Strategy

We provide customized SEO, web content, and/or marketing frameworks so you know what to do and when to do it. We can even consult on website creation.

Content Planning

We can create content briefs that can help you write content that hits all the marketing/accessibility ‘musts’ while giving you the flexibility to be creative.

Community Support

It can be isolating to build a public-facing persona without behind-the-scenes support. Writing Witchery is all about community, and we’re here to help you build your creative coven so you can feel resourced and connected.

Shadow Work

Oftentimes, our blocks are spiritual and emotional. We can work with you to help you define marketing, figure out why it feels so cringe, and reframe it so it feels more supportive and doable.

Witching Your Biz

From ritual to spellwork, suggestions for altars or tarot spreads, to astrological guidance, we can work with you to infuse your business with much-needed magic so it feels more aligned with your spiritual and creative self.

We’re working on a variety of marketing-ish services. Want support now? Get in touch and we’ll make magic happen!

WTF Do I Know?

I am an academic, writer, witch, and an accidental marketer. I fell into content writing and web marketing after finishing my master’s degree in rhetoric and composition. While the marketing world is definitely not for me, I learned a ton, and now I’m committed to sharing my knowledge with creatives, witchy professionals, and anyone who is trying to put work out in the world but wants to do it ethically.

I have experience and an abundance of knowledge in SEO, content marketing, accessibility, and web content writing. I am far from a web developer, but I know a bit about websites. I promote universal design, inclusive content, and thoughtful, transparent marketing and website management.

Learn more here or get in touch if you have questions about my experience and capabilities.