Tarot Readings

For Creatives, Creators, & Business Owners/Solopreneurs

For Writers & Artists

Get guidance on your creative journey with an intuitive tarot reading.

Example readings:

  • Writer’s block solutions: Get insight into what’s affecting your ability to write.

  • Creative practice tools: Want to revamp your practice? Get clarity around your strengths and struggles.

  • Specific project help: Get outside perspective on next steps or energy readings on your work-in-progress.

  • Plot clarity, character development, narrative flow: Ask anything that will help you re-see your story.

  • Publishing insights: Navigate the path to publication with insights into your manuscript's readiness (and yours!).

These are just a few examples of how a tarot reading can help you in your creative endeavors. Each reading is a unique exploration of your creative journey for guidance and inspiration on your specific creative concerns.

For Businesses & Creators

Get guidance on your business venture with an intuitive tarot reading.

Example readings:

  • Growth readiness: Gain clarity on your business's readiness for expansion and identify opportunities for growth.

  • Business direction: Get insights into possible new directions or offerings.

  • Financial prosperity: Explore financial strategies and uncover potential revenue streams you may not have considered.

  • Brand alignment: Ensure your brand messaging aligns with your values and resonates with your audience.

  • Innovation exploration: Generate creative ideas and explore innovative solutions to challenges.

These are just a few examples of how a tarot reading can help you in your business journey. Each reading explores your business, providing valuable guidance and strategic insights to support your growth and potential.

  • A bespoke spread based on your inquiry, using an intuitively chosen deck

  • A written interpretation of the cards

  • Pictures of your spread

Each Reading Includes:


What will my reading cover?

I create your spread based on the information you provide. Most spreads are five cards, though depending on your query, it can vary a little. 

What will I get from you?

A beautifully designed PDF that includes photos of the spread and each card, as well as in-depth interpretations of each card and the overall spread.

When will you do my reading?

Currently, I ask that you give me 3-4 days to do your reading and write-up/recording. I’m a slow, thorough reader, so I like to spend time mulling things over before articulating my interpretation and thoughts on a tarot spread.

What deck do you use?

I have more than a dozen tarot decks, and a handful of oracle decks. I will pick one intuitively for your reading, but it is unlikely to be an oracle deck. Sometimes I use multiple decks, or a tarot/oracle combo. 

Some examples of the decks I keep in heavy rotation include Serpentfire and She Wolfe, Ethereal Visions, Desert Illuminations, and Tarot of the Divine. One of my newest decks is from Mike Willcox, a lovely tarot and oracle deck that includes the major arcana as well as a variety of gorgeous oracle cards. 

What is your reading style?

I use tarot for self-knowledge, not for predicting the future. If you’re looking for straightforward yes-or-no style answers or predictive readings, I’m probably not the reader for you. I don’t read reversals; instead, I find that if something isn’t resonating, the card is implicating blocked energy or a gap in understanding. My teachers have different methods of interpretation, so my own style pulls from several different sources. I lean towards Smith-Rider-Waite style decks and interpretations.

I also prefer to read asynchronously. I am just not capable of doing fast reads. I like to take my time mulling over the cards and their relationship before I interpret or share my thoughts. Whenever possible, I like to incorporate astrology into my readings, as I find that often helps clarify questions around timing or tendencies.

What is your spiritual/divinatory background?

I got my first tarot deck more than 25 years ago (oh god) when I first began my spiritual journey—though I lost touch with my witchy side for a number of years as an adult. I picked it back up around 2018, and have been learning and reading ever since. Some of those I count as teachers include Lindsay Mack, Jessa Crispin, Jessica Dore, and my amazing coven and tarot reader friends. Additionally, I have studied palmistry and rune casting and recently got into pendulum dowsing. In my writing practice, I often turn to bibliomancy and automatic writing. I am a student of astrology, and my spiritual practice relies heavily on moon magic, planetary magic, and divination for self-knowledge. All of this contributes to my tarot style.

Can I get a reading on something besides my creative work or business?

Get in touch and we can talk about it!